Conversion of Decimal Number to Other Base Number

Conversion of Binary to other base number system like conversion of Decimal to Binary Conversion, Decimal to Octal Conversion, and Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion.


MSB (Most Significant Bit) is the leftmost digit is the most significant digit of a number.

LSB (Least Significant Bit) is the rightmost digit is the least significant digit of a number.

Conversion of Decimal Number to Binary Number


  • Divide the decimal number by 2, noting the remainder.
  • Continue to divide the quotient by 2 until there is nothing left, keeping track of the remainders from each step.
  • List the remainder values in reverse order to find the number’s binary equivalent.

For Example

To Convert Decimal number (21)10 to Binary number ( )2, we use Division method.

1Divide the decimal number by 2 until the quotient is 0.21/2 = 10
Remainder is 1
10/2 = 5

Remainder is 0
5/2 = 2

Remainder is 1
2/2 = 1

Remainder is 0
1/2 = 0

Remainder is 1
2The last remainder obtained from the division is the most significant bit (MSB) of the binary number.
Hence, arrange the number from the most significant bit (MSB) to the least significant bit (LSB).
Read from the bottom (MSB) to the top (LSB) as 10101
(21)10 = (10101)2

Conversion of Decimal Number to Octal Number


  • Divide the decimal number by 8, noting the remainder.
  • Continue to divide the quotient by 8 until there is nothing left, keeping the track of the remainders from each step.
  • List the remainder values in reverse order to find the number’s octal equivalent.

For Example

To Convert Decimal number (2)10 to Octal number ( )8, we use Division method.

1Divide the decimal number by 8 until the quotient is 0.2/8 = 0
Remainder is 2
2The last remainder obtained from the division is the most significant bit (MSB) of the binary number.
Hence, arrange the number from the most significant bit (MSB) to the least significant bit (LSB).
Read from the bottom (MSB) to the top (LSB) as 2.
(2)10 = (2)8

Conversion of Decimal Number to Hexadecimal Number


  • Divide the decimal number by 16, noting the remainder.
  • Continue to divide the quotient by 16 until there is nothing left, keeping track of the remainders from each step.
  • List the remainder values in reverse order to find the number’s hexadecimal equivalent.

For Example

To Convert Decimal number (14)10 to Hexadecimal number ( )16, we use Division method.

1Divide the decimal number by 16 until the quotient is 0.14/16 = 0
Remainder is 14
2The last remainder obtained from the division is the most significant bit (MSB) of the binary number.
Hence, arrange the number from the most significant bit (MSB) to the least significant bit (LSB).
Read from the bottom (MSB) to the top (LSB) as 14.
E is the hexadecimal equivalent of decimal number 14.
(14)10 = (E)8
