C Programming if else Program

Here we covered C programming if else program, like year is leap year or not, number is even or odd, mini projects like calculating electricity bill, finding grade of a student, etc., which will help the learner to learn the C programming language very easily. We can also provide PDF format to download that C program. To know What is C programming language?

C Programming if-else Program (PDF)
C Programming if-else Program Download (PDF)

Following are the list of C programming if-else program:

Table of Content
  1. Check whether a number is Even or Odd.
  2. Find the Largest of Two Numbers.
  3. Check year is Leap year or not.
  4. Check whether number is Positive or Negative.
  5. Find Grade of a Student.
  6. Calculate Profit or Loss in a Company.
  7. Calculate Electricity Bill.
  8. Calculate Gross Salary of an Employee.
  9. Find a Number which is divided by 5 and 11.
  10. Check character is Alphabet or Digit.
  11. Check character is Vowel or Consonant.
  12. Create a Menu System like [1] Add, [2] Edit, [3] Delete, [4] Exit.

1. Check whether a number is Even or Odd.

#include<stdio.h> void main() { int num; printf("Enter an Integer Value = "); scanf("%d", &num); if (num%2 == 0) printf("%d is Even Number \n", num); else printf("%d is Odd Number \n", num); }
Enter an Integer Value = 65 65 is Odd Number

2. Find the Largest of Two Numbers.

#include<stdio.h> void main() { int a, b; printf("Enter Two Integer Value = "); scanf("%d %d", &a, &b); if(a>b) { printf("%d is Largest\n", a); } else if(b>a) { printf("%d is Largest\n", b); } else { printf("Both are Equal\n"); } }
Enter Two Integer Value = 1 0 1 is Largest

3. Check year is Leap year or not.

#include<stdio.h> void main() { int year; printf("Enter Year = "); scanf("%d", &year); if (( year%400 == 0)|| (( year%4 == 0 ) &&( year%100 != 0))) printf("%d is a Leap Year", year); else printf("%d is not a Leap Year", year); }
Enter Year = 1775 1775 is not a Leap Year

4. Check whether number is Positive or Negative.

#include<stdio.h> void main() { int num; printf("Enter Integer Number = "); scanf("%d",&num); if (num >= 0) { if (num > 0) printf("%d is Positive", num); else printf("You have entered value zero."); } else printf("%d is Negative", num); }
Enter Integer Number = -4 -4 is Negative

5. Find Grade of a Student.

#include<stdio.h> void main() { int english, chemistry, computers, physics, maths; float total, percentage; printf("Enter the Five Subjects Marks = "); scanf("%d%d%d%d%d", &english, &chemistry, &computers, &physics, &maths); total = english + chemistry + computers + physics + maths; percentage = (total / 500) * 100; printf("Total Marks = %.2f\n", total); printf("Marks Percentage = %.2f", percentage); if(percentage >= 90) { printf("\n Grade A"); } else if(percentage >= 80) { printf("\n Grade B"); } else if(percentage >= 70) { printf("\n Grade C"); } else if(percentage >= 60) { printf("\n Grade D"); } else if(percentage >= 40) { printf("\n Grade E"); } else { printf("\n Fail"); } }
Enter the Five Subjects Marks = 44 66 88 99 33 Total Marks = 330.00 Marks Percentage = 66.00 Grade D

6. Calculate Profit or Loss in a Company.

#include<stdio.h> void main() { float product_cost, sales_amount, amount; printf("Enter Product Cost = "); scanf("%f", &product_cost); printf("\nEnter Sales Price = "); scanf("%f", &sales_amount); if (sales_amount > product_cost) { amount = sales_amount - product_cost; printf("\n Profit Amount = %.4f", amount); } else if(product_cost > sales_amount) { amount = product_cost - sales_amount; printf("\n Loss Amount = %.4f", amount); } else printf("\n No Profit No Loss!"); }
Enter Product Cost = 987 Enter Sales Price = 1000 Profit Amount = 13.0000

7. Calculate Electricity Bill.

Bill Unit Charges:

  • First 50 Units Charge is Rs. 0.50/unit.
  • For Next 100 Units Charge is Rs. 0.75/unit.
  • For Next 100 Units Charge is Rs. 1.20/unit.
  • For Unit Above 250 Charge is Rs. 1.50/unit.
  • An Additional Surcharge of 20% is added to the bill.

#include<stdio.h> void main() { int unit; float amt, total_amt, sur_charge; printf("Enter total units consumed = "); scanf("%d", &unit); if(unit <= 50) { amt = unit * 0.50; } else if(unit <= 150) { amt = 25 + ((unit-50) * 0.75); } else if(unit <= 250) { amt = 100 + ((unit-150) * 1.20); } else { amt = 220 + ((unit-250) * 1.50); } sur_charge = amt * 0.20; total_amt = amt + sur_charge; printf("Electricity Bill = Rs. %.2f", total_amt); }
Enter total units consumed = 35 Electricity Bill = Rs. 21.00

8. Calculate Gross Salary of an Employee.

#include<stdio.h> void main() { float basic_salary, HRA, DA, gross_salary; printf("Enter the Basic Salary of an Employee = "); scanf("%f", &basic_salary); if (basic_salary <= 10000) { HRA = (basic_salary * 6) / 100; DA = (basic_salary * 10) / 100; } else if (basic_salary <= 20000) { HRA = (basic_salary * 12) / 100; DA = (basic_salary * 20) / 100; } else { HRA = (basic_salary * 18) / 100; DA = (basic_salary * 30) / 100; } gross_salary = basic_salary + HRA + DA; printf("Gross Salary of Employee = %.2f", gross_salary); }
Enter the Basic Salary of an Employee = 4000 Gross Salary of Employee = 4640.00

9. Find a Number which is divided by 5 and 11.

#include<stdio.h> void main() { int num; printf("Enter an Integer Value = "); scanf("%d", &num); if ((num % 5 == 0) && (num % 11 == 0)) printf("%d is Divisible by 5 and 11", num); else printf("%d is Not Divisible by 5 and 11", num); }
Enter an Integer Value = 55 55 is Divisible by 5 and 11

10. Check character is Alphabet or Digit.

#include<stdio.h> void main() { char ch; printf("Enter one Character or Digit = "); scanf("%c", &ch); if( (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') ) { printf("%c is an Alphabet", ch); } else if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { printf("%c is a Digit", ch); } else printf("%c is not an Alphabet, or a Digit", ch); }
Enter one Character or Digit = z z is an Alphabet

11. Check character is Vowel or Consonant.

#include<stdio.h> void main() { char ch; printf("Enter one Alphabet = "); scanf(" %c", &ch); if(ch == 'a' || ch == 'e' || ch == 'i' || ch == 'o' || ch == 'u' || ch == 'A' || ch == 'E' || ch == 'I' || ch == 'O' || ch == 'U') { printf("%c is a Vowel.", ch); } else { printf("%c is a Consonant.", ch); } }
Enter one Alphabet = Y Y is a Consonant.

12. Create a Menu System like [1] Add, [2] Edit, [3] Delete, [4] Exit.

#include<stdio.h> void main() { int ch; printf("[1] ADD"); printf("\n[2] Edit"); printf("\n[3] Delete"); printf("\n[4] Exit"); printf("\nEnter your choice = "); scanf("%d",&ch); if(ch==1) { printf("Add option selected"); } else if(ch==2) { printf("Edit option selected"); } else if(ch==3) { printf("Delete option selected"); } else if(ch==4) { printf("Exit option selected"); } else { printf("Invalid Entry"); } }
[1] ADD [2] Edit [3] Delete [4] Exit Enter your choice = 3 Delete option selected


  • All the programs are compiled and executed in Dev C++ code editor and save with .c extension.
  • %.2f is used to print fractional values only up to 2 decimal places. You can also use %f to print fractional values normally up to six decimal places.

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