Top 100 MS-Word MCQ

91. The ……….. is a short horizontal line indicating the conclusion of a document.

a) Insertion Point
b) End Mark
c) Status Indicator
d) Scroll Bar

Answer – [B]

92. The Ribbon in Word 2007 consists of a series of –

a) Tabs
b) Smaller Ribbons
c) Gates
d) Icons

Answer – [A]

93. To save an existing document with a different file name, click –

a) The save button on the Standard toolbar
b) Save on the File menu
c) The Save As button on the Standard toolbar
d) Save As on the File menu

Answer – [D]

94. Gutter position can be set in following positions in Word document.

a) Left and Right
b) Left and Top
c) Left and Bottom
d) Left Only

Answer – [B]

95. When a hyperlink is created, Word formats the web address as –

a) Italicized and colored Red
b) Italicized and colored Blue
c) Underlined and Colored Red
d) Underlined and Colored Blue

Answer – [D]

96. Which menu do you choose to shade words and paragraphs?

a) Format, Borders and Shading
b) Insert, Border and Shading
c) View, Shading
d) None of the above

Answer – [A]

97. What are inserted as cross-reference in word?

a) Placeholders
b) Bookmarks
c) Objects
d) Word Fields

Answer – [D]

98. “Drop Caps” option exists in –

a) Set Up
b) Text
c) Timing
d) Sliders

Answer – [B]

99. What is the maximum scale percentage available in scale drop down box?

a) 500
b) 200
c) 100
d) 90

Answer – [B]

100. In normal view, automatic page breaks –

a) Do not display
b) Display on the screen as a single dotted horizontal line
c) Display on the screen above the header and beneath the footer
d) Display on the screen as a line separated by the words Page Break

Answer – [B]

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