Top 100 MS-Word MCQ

Q31.To change the font, use the …………… shortcut key.

a) Ctrl + Shift + F
b) Alt + Shift + F
c) Alt + F
d) None of these

Answer – [A]

Q32. To switching from one MS-Word document to another MS-Word document, use the …………… shortcut key.

a) Ctrl + Shift + F6
b) Ctrl + Shift + F4
c) Ctrl + Shift + F2
d) Ctrl + Shift + F1

Answer – [A]

Q33. To insert trademark symbol, use the …………… shortcut key.

a) Ctrl + Alt + T
b) Ctrl + Alt + TM
c) Ctrl + Alt + ST
d) Ctrl + Alt + TT

Answer – [A]

Q34. To break current column and start new column immediately, use the ………….. shortcut key.

a) Alt + Enter
b) Alt + Shift + Enter
c) Ctrl + Shift + Enter
d) Ctrl + Enter

Answer – [C]

Q35. Which key deletes the character to the left of the cursor?

a) End
b) Backspace
c) Home
d) Delete

Answer – [B]

Q36. Which key deletes the character to the right of the cursor?

a) End
b) Backspace
c) Home
d) Delete

Answer – [D]

Q37. The minimum number of rows and column in MS-Word document is –

a) 1 and 1
b) 2 and 2
c) 2 and 1
d) 1 and 2

Answer – [A]

Q38. With which view you can see how text and graphics will appear on the printed page in Word document?

a) Normal
b) Print Layout
c) Outline
d) Web Layout

Answer – [B]

Q39. Before creating master document in MS-Word, you must switch to –

a) Normal View
b) Outline View
c) Web Layout View
d) Print Layout View

Answer – [B]

Q40. How do you magnify your document in MS-Word?

a) View, Zoom
b) Format, Font
c) Tools, Options
d) Tools, Customize

Answer – [A]