75+ Most Important C++ Interview Questions

In this blog, we have compiled a list of over 75 essential C++ interview questions to help you prepare for your next interview. These questions cover a wide range of topics, ensuring a comprehensive review of key concepts and features in C++.

75+ Most Important C++ Interview Questions – Part 1, 2 and 3 (1 to 75)

75+ Most Important C++ Interview Questions – Part 4

76. Can a Copy Constructor accept an object of the same class as a parameter, instead of reference of the object?

No, the copy constructor should accept a reference to an object of the same class, not an object itself.

77. Can I overload the destructor for my class?


78. What is the use of the ‘using’ declaration?

A ‘using’ declaration allows you to use a name from a namespace without typing the namespace name each time.

79. What is the order in which the objects in an array are destructed?

Objects in an array are destructed in the reverse order of their construction. The first object constructed is the last one to be destructed.

80. What is Inheritance? 

Inheritance is when one class can inherit and use the characteristics and actions of another class. The derived class takes on the properties and methods of the base class and can modify them or add its own.

81. What is a base class? 

The base class is the class from which another class inherits properties.

82. What does the term derived class mean?

A derived class is a class that inherits properties from another class, known as the base class or superclass.

83. What is an Abstract Class? 

An abstract class is a class that contains at least one pure virtual function. It cannot instantiate itself, and it does not allow the creation of objects from it.

84. What is Single Inheritance? 

In single inheritance, the derived class inherits from only one base class.

85. What is Multilevel Inheritance? 

Multilevel inheritance creates a chain of classes where each derived class inherits from another derived class.

86. What is Hybrid Inheritance? 

In hybrid inheritance, we use two or more different types of inheritance together.

87. What is Hierarchical Inheritance? 

Multiple derived classes derive from a single base class in hierarchical inheritance.

88. What is Multiple Inheritance? 

Multiple inheritance, where a derived class inherits from two or more base classes.

89. What is a Storage Class?

Storage class determines the life or scope of symbols such as variables or functions.

90. What is a pre-processor in C++?

The pre-processor in C++ performs the processing of the source code before it compiles.

91. Which operator can be used in C++ to allocate dynamic memory?

The operator that can be used in C++ to allocate dynamic memory is ‘new’.

92. What is the purpose of the ‘delete’ operator?

In C++, the ‘delete’ operator actively releases the dynamic memory that programmers create using the ‘new’ operator.

93. What is a Namespace?

A namespace in C++ allows us to group a set of global classes, objects, and/or functions under a specific name.

94. What is the difference between a Template and a Macro?

Templates in C++ provide type-safe code generation, while macros lack type-safe and are pre-processor based.

95. What is a STL?

STL, which stands for Standard Template Library, is a C++ library that offers a collection of container templates and generic algorithms.

96. Can we call a Virtual Function from a Constructor?

Yes, we can call a virtual function from a constructor. But it can throw an exception of overriding.

97. What is C++ exception handling?

C++ exception handling is a mechanism to handle runtime errors and exceptional situations in a program.

98. What information can an exception contain?

An exception in C++ is an object that can contain any information defined within a user-created class.

99. Explain Try, Catch, and Throw. 

Try: The keyword “try” in C++ actively defines a block of code where programmers implement exception handling.
Catch: The catch keyword indicates the catching of an exception by an exception handler at the place in a program.
Throw: When a problem exists while running the code, the program throws an exception.

100. Can you handle exceptions in C++?

Exceptions in C++ can be handled using the keywords try, catch, and throw. The code that needs to be monitored for exceptions is enclosed in a try block, and if an exception occurs, it is thrown using throw and caught using catch for further processing.

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